My goal is to pursue a challenging and fulfilling career in the field of full stack development in an organization of repute, which recognizes and utilizes my true potential while giving me an environment to nurture my technical skills.
WeDigIT will help users from planning to execution of thier project. Our goal is to fully understand each client's business and the environment in which it operates. We look to completely understand the target audience and how they will interact with the digital products we deliver.
Currently they are working on an app called WeJammin which allows user to create music casuallay and takes care of the sound editing part.
Eqaro Guarantees:
I worked on project Eqaro guarantees as frontend developer. Eqaro helps in rent or sale the property for a user on bond agreement between tenant and landlord by verifying tenant background.|
WeJammin :
I also developed website for our internal app WeJammin . WeJammin is app based on musictech which helps users to create the music content without going any hardships.
I am currently working on Savvas learning project. In Savvas students can learn the subjects according to their grades with innovative assignments .In this project our team is working on assessment service on backend and test nav on frontend. In this team I am working on maintenance tickets in which I will check the user problems and solve the issue if it is on development side or will report the issue if the problem is related to SQE team.
At Attainu I mentored a group of 20 students and helping them in
their assignments and evaluating their tests. I taught React js and Es6 concepts to students as a mentor. I lead 7 full stack capstone project as mentor for 14 students.
I developed three projects as intern in Attainu.
React js