Work History
Ronda G. Thompson

Ronda G. Thompson



Natural leader successful at strategically empowering Educators. Skilled in driving engagement and operational improvements through well-coordinated tactical plans and proven relationship-building abilities. Demonstrated knowledge of business management and revenue development. Visionary leader with proven track record of driving organizational turnaround and change management. Forward-thinking and proactive with achievements in Education, Civic Leadership, and Business.


years of professional experience

Work History

Executive Board Member

Education Association Of Charles County
La Plata, MD
10.2019 - Current
  • Management of the Association
  • Review all expenditures as adopted in the budget by the Representative Assembly
  • Adjust expenditures within major categories
  • Carry out the policies of the Representative Assembly and report its transactions to the Assembly and recommend policies for consideration by the Representative Assembly
  • Aid in the implementation of Policies established by the Representative Assembly and the Board
  • Approve all committee appointments made by the President; and call special elections
  • Make decisions binding on the Association and enter into contracts in the name of the Association
  • Develop and implement guidelines of meetings
  • Authorized to expend funds within the limits of the adopted budget
  • Set goals for the Association, and upon approval of the Representative Assembly, proceed to implement them

Elementary Educator - 5th Grade

Charles County Public Schools
Indian Head, MD
08.2018 - Current
  • Develop and implements SPARK Leadership Academy for 5th grade ladies
  • Teaches students subject-specific material, learning strategies and social and citizenship skills
  • Chaperones field trips to maintain safety and encourage learning
  • Assesses student progress by administering tests and evaluating results
  • Collaborates with administrators on classroom policies, management strategies, and discipline
  • Builds positive relationships with parents to involve them in the educational process
  • Implements improvements to improve behavior of class and individual students
  • Keeps classroom clean, organized, and safe for students and visitors
  • Stays abreast of changes to school and district policies as well as new trends in education by attending professional development courses and in-service trainings
  • Sources supplies to fill gaps in student activities
  • Facilitates group sessions and provided one-on-one support
  • Collaborates with a team of faculty to develop strategies to implement Common-Core Curriculum standards
  • Offers constructive feedback to minors under care regarding specific actions, behaviors and words
  • Creates new lesson plans based on course objectives
  • Improves student's analytical skills by introducing state-of-the-art computer program technologies
  • Documents student attendance and progress against goals
  • Develops and teaches lessons on relevant children's books, poems, movies and themes to promote student interest
  • Maintains safety and security of all youth under care
  • Develops activities and integrates technology to diversify instruction
  • Plans, implements, monitors and assesses classroom instructional program

Vice President

Goldman Enterprises, Inc.
Waldorf, Maryland
09.2014 - Current
  • Implements, communicates, and stream-lines Goldman Enterprises, Inc.'s vision, mission, and overall direction.
  • Secures funding through third party organizations that align with mission and goals of Goldman Enterprises, Inc.
  • Launches initiatives that support wellness goals of Goldman Enterprises, Inc. such as A Taste of Southern Maryland: A Farm-to-Table brand that promotes healthy living through development of connections between local communities and their farmers. 21,815 lbs. of local food have been shipped or delivered to local residents.
  • Formulates and implements strategic plan that guides direction. Develops marketing strategic plan, in addition to implementing overall strategic direction.
  • Achieves overall strategic goals and contributes to sales and profitability requirements of Goldman Enterprises Inc. as determined by strategic plans.
  • Overseeing complete operation of an organization in accordance with direction established in strategic plans.
  • Maintains awareness of both external and internal competitive landscape, opportunities for expansion, customers, markets, new industry developments and standards.

Vice-President: District II Director

Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland, Inc.
Baltimore, MD
03.2016 - 03.2019
  • Maintains, develops, and recommends to the Executive Board of Directors, specific, long- and short-range plans for the achieving of Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland, Inc. (National Garden Clubs, Inc.) initiatives, - the largest gardening organization in the world that specializes in Conservation & Environmental Stewardship, Civic Beautification, Historic Preservation, and Honoring the Military.
  • Maintains appropriate relations with the Board and various Board committees, and keeps them informed and ensures the management and allocation of resources as needed.
  • Interprets trends in the fields of service in which FGCMD: District II is engaged, maintaining involvement in the volunteer and professional fields as a whole.
  • Assists with orientation and training programs for the Executive Board and Committee. Supervises and directs 44 key volunteer staff members in the performance of their duties.
  • Evaluates the programs being provided by FGCMD: District II in relation to specified goals and standards, and recommends modifications, where appropriate; and recommends new programs to the Board.
  • Oversees the FGCMD: District II budget process and is accountable for control of these resources once approved and guides all financial operations of FGCMD: District II.
  • Develops and maintains community relations that support the strategic plan
  • Recommends policies to the Board and assists the Board in the formulation of policies for the effective and economical operation of FGCMD: District II and its programs.
  • Ensures implementation of the policies adopted by the Board.
  • Has chief administrative responsibility for maintenance of District II meetings and locations, and regular reporting to various bodies.
  • Carries chief staff responsibility to ensure that legal obligations of Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland: District II are met.

Assistant Director

Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland, Inc.
Baltimore, MD
03.2014 - 03.2016
  • Produced and maintained the media publication for the Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland
  • Served on the finance committee for District II and assisted in budgeting and monitoring expenses
  • Planned and executed training workshop for District II Presidents
  • Assisted in developing and implementing plans and goals for District II
  • Worked with the director to coordinate and supervise operations
  • Ensured compliance with regulations and internal policies
  • Represented District II when needed
  • Created reports and submitted them to the director and other executives


Charles County Garden Club
La Plata, Maryland
03.2012 - 03.2014
  • Created, communicated, and implemented Charles County Garden Club's vision, mission, and overall direction
  • Led, guided, directed, and evaluated the work of other executive leaders such as vice presidents, and committee chairs. This volunteer board consisted of 40 members
  • As a member of the District II Executive Committee, met regularly with executive leadership to make decisions for the Southern Maryland region
  • Formulated and implemented the strategic plan that guided the direction of CCGC. Using the input of members at every level of the organization to develop the strategic plan
  • Evaluated the success of the CCGC. Used a set of strategically important measures to determine the ongoing success that the organization experienced. Used non-measurable aspects of the work environment to gauge other aspects of organizational success
  • Maintained awareness of both the external and internal competitive landscape, opportunities for expansion, customers, markets, new industry developments and standards
  • Represented CCGC in civic and professional association responsibilities and activities in the local community and at the District level

2nd Vice-President

Charles County Garden Club
La Plata, Maryland
03.2010 - 03.2012
  • Developed and implemented the yearly program
  • Produced the publication for membership notification
  • Served as voting member of the Executive Board

Bay-Wise Master Gardener

University of Maryland Extension Charles County
La Plata, MD
02.2007 - Current
  • Organized and implemented the first Bay-Wise Certification program in Charles County, which helps to restore and protect the health of the Chesapeake Bay
  • Spearheaded the adoption of the Bay-Wise program by the County Commissioners which eventually resulted in a tax credit for certified landowners
  • Consulted a local elementary school and advised of a conservation plan that resulted in stakeholder development which included the County Commissioners, the Governor,  civic organizations and local contractors.  The project acquired grant funding through third party sources and received numerous awards and recognition.  The school is currently rank nationally for their implementation of the conservation plan
  • Elected to serve on the Extension Advisory Committee as a Master Gardener representative and formulate policy and oversight of the Extension Program in Charles County. 
  • Promoted enrollment in Cooperative Extension
  • Maintained records of program contacts monthly
  • Taught basic horticultural classes to community groups

Early Childhood Educator

The Langley School
McLean, VA
08.2002 - 06.2007
  • Worked with interdisciplinary team members to evaluate children's progress and recommend appropriate learning plans
  • Addressed behavioral and learning issues with parents and school management
  • Supervised assistant teachers throughout the semester
  • Fostered reasoning and problem solving through active exploration games and activities
  • Monitored students' educational progress with individual charts and files
  • Taught an average of 32 children per school year.
  • Identified signs of emotional and developmental problems in children and reported to Head of School and parents
  • Allowed for ample outdoor discovery time each day
  • Assisted and supervised 32 children through the entire school day
  • Coordinated parent-teacher conferences twice during the school year
  • Conducted in-home visits to maintain student and family relationships and student performance standards
  • Used classroom observations to create written assessments of student performance
  • Established daily routines that were easy for the children to follow
  • Nurtured a supportive learning environment that was often used as a model for other classrooms
  • Served on the Admissions Committee and helped select students for the academic year
  • Served as a member of the Science Committee and developed policy and standards of learning for the science department
  • Awarded the Kiernan Summer Grant for the study of International Business at Oxford University.

Elementary Education Teacher (Third & Fourth Grades)

Faith Hope Christian Academy
Capitol Heights, MD
09.1997 - 06.2001
  • Instructed students individually and in groups
  • Set up lesson materials, bulletin board displays and demonstrations
  • Promoted physical, mental and social development by implementing classroom games and outdoor recreational activities
  • Adapted teaching methods and materials to meet students' varying needs and interests
  • Met regularly with parents and guardians to discuss children's progress
  • Observed and evaluated students' performance, behavior, social development and physical health
  • Created an enjoyable and interesting learning environment for students each year
  • Maintained accurate and complete records for students
  • Encouraged students with special academic interests to fully pursue those subjects
  • Worked with other teachers and administrators to evaluate and revise elementary school programs
  • Pursued professional development continually by attending educational conferences and teacher training workshops
  • Fostered team collaboration between students through group projects
  • Completed training courses to keep up-to-date with new teaching methods and developments in the field
  • Drafted lesson plans and submitted them for review and feedback in a timely manner
  • Took part in professional organizations and continuing education courses
  • Cooperated with parents to support students' learning and healthy development in school and at home
  • Boosted cultural awareness by incorporating children’s literature from cultures around the world
  • Fostered oral language development and critical thinking skills during literary discussions


Ph.D. - Organizational Leadership/ Entrepreneurship

Regent University
Virginia Beach, VA

Master of Education - Master Teacher Program

Regent University
Virginia Beach, VA

Certificate - French Language And Culture

University of Paris/Sorbonne
Paris, France

Certificate - International Business

California Baptist University/ Oxford University
Oxford, England

Bachelor of Arts - Intercultural Studies/Linguistics

Biola University
La Mirada, CA


  • Passionate leader
  • Compassionate educator
  • Strategic partnership building
  • Talented negotiator
  • Community service relations
  • Strategic Thinking & Execution
  • Strong work ethic
  • Team leadership
  • Program oversight
  • Strong collaborator
  • Critical thinking
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Resilience and Tenacity
  • Communication and Public Speaking Skills
  • Technical and Technology Skills
  • Team and Relationship Building
  • Policy evaluation


  • McConchie School Preservation Society ( Present) - Board of Directors
  • Extension Advisory Committee (2014-2018) - Board of Directors


  • Toni Niessen Hall Leadership Award - Community Leadership Award in Waldorf, MD
  • Kiernan Summer Grant Award - International Business Program in Oxford, England
  • President's Award - Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland, Inc


  • Le Voyage - Museum Based Literacy Program
  • Wetland Classroom Project - JC Parks Elementary School
  • Bay-Wise Program for Charles County
  • LEAD Cohort 2019


How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these.
George Washington Carver


Executive Board Member

Education Association Of Charles County
10.2019 - Current

Elementary Educator - 5th Grade

Charles County Public Schools
08.2018 - Current

Vice-President: District II Director

Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland, Inc.
03.2016 - 03.2019

Vice President

Goldman Enterprises, Inc.
09.2014 - Current

Assistant Director

Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland, Inc.
03.2014 - 03.2016


Charles County Garden Club
03.2012 - 03.2014

2nd Vice-President

Charles County Garden Club
03.2010 - 03.2012

Bay-Wise Master Gardener

University of Maryland Extension Charles County
02.2007 - Current

Early Childhood Educator

The Langley School
08.2002 - 06.2007

Elementary Education Teacher (Third & Fourth Grades)

Faith Hope Christian Academy
09.1997 - 06.2001

Ph.D. - Organizational Leadership/ Entrepreneurship

Regent University

Master of Education - Master Teacher Program

Regent University

Certificate - French Language And Culture

University of Paris/Sorbonne

Certificate - International Business

California Baptist University/ Oxford University

Bachelor of Arts - Intercultural Studies/Linguistics

Biola University
Ronda G. Thompson