Highly motivated Information Technology Specialist, working diligently to accomplish the overall objective of the organization's continuous mission. Has assisted in numerous cyber security readiness inspections (CCRI); including working with various organizations like the Department of Defense, Network Enterprise Centers, and numerous Signal Brigades and Battalions across the United States. With years of working as an Information Technology Specialist, understanding of computer maintenance and automation skills have become a salient trait. Working with fellow Information Technology Specialists and other IT professionals, while conducting daily automation reports and establishing trends in specific areas to help complete the organization's day to day operations, has provided excellent cross-training collection and troubleshooting skills necessary to be an efficient Information Technology Specialist. Has cultivated almost 10 years experience in handling computer software and hardware, maintaining sensitive data, and conducting reports/inspections based on related material by the Department of Defense (DoD) and United States Army standards and regulations. Additional experience includes maintaining the working conditions of all automation equipment while reporting information to high-ranking officials; developing reports based off information gained from classified and unclassified sources; while working with various organizations. Lastly, strict attention to detail and maintain expert people skills.